Saturday, December 20, 2008


I am sitting here
In silence, facing the computer,
Looking at pictures of us,
Crying and smiling at the same time,
Thinking of the days when we had so much fun.
You made me think about you
Day and night
But you never think about me
I have has sleepless nights
Just thinking about you
I really want you to know
But I can't let you know
You have gone through
Pain and hapiness with me
And all these days,
You have been there for me.
Although you weren't much of a help,
You still made me feel sweet and warm.....

Wednesday, December 3, 2008


Amongst all the stars in my life
You were once the brightest one
Now, you shine the same way
As all the other stars do
I have finally found the right star for myself
This is the star that all of my friends form
Which includes you....
You used to be the only star that i saw
But now, i see you like the others
The friendship star
Is going to be the brightest star
From now on...Till....Eternity
All of you are going to shine in my life
Guiding me through the darkness
When i am alone
Each and every little star
That forms my enormous friendship star
Have their own personalities.....
Some are Crazy
Some are Cool
There are some that are both
And these are the people who ROCK like STARS!!

Tuesday, December 2, 2008


These scars on me
Old and new
They all hurt alot
But at the same time they remind me of you
And many others who put them there
But now, all scars are healing
They are starting to disappear
Except for one
One that i dunno if it should disappear or not
It disappears for a while
And it comes back...
Now....Its slowly fading
Lets hope that this is the last time i see it
I want to go on with my life without all of these scars
Some of these scars has given me a good lesson
And some of them has just stabbed me
So deep that there is a point
Where i don't feel the pain at all......
But now.....the only scar left is the one you left me
But this wasn't any pain compared to all the others
Thanks a lot for bein so nice
And not leavin me a deep scar
Which might never fade away......
Now i'll treasure our friendship with everything i have......
Thank You!!......You're gonna be my best friend 4 ever...=)

Sunday, November 30, 2008

Traffic Lights

Red is stop
Green is go
If you cross at the wrong time
It will cost you your life
I crossed when it was green
Its now yellow
And i am still there in the middle
Thinking about what i should do
But the light is going to change soon
Should i go back
Or move on?
Going back may just bring pain
But if i move forward
Will i miss anything?
There is always a point in life
Where you are standing in the middle of a crossroad
Looking at the yellow light
Wondering if you should go back or move on
I want to move on
But my body wants me to go back
And stay in my imaginary world
Where he is always there for me
But.....Isn't it better to come back to reality?
I can't seem to move on
If i don't, the red lights will come
And i'd have lost something very important in life
But if i go back....When am i ever going to cross to the other side?
Also....If i move forward, will i ever get back to that side?
Being the yellow light in the middle of the crossroad is painful....
Red, Yellow, Green: Stop, Get Ready, Go............
Or is it??
Green, Yellow, Red: Go, Get Ready, Stop...............

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Bad Reputation

Me......Hmm.......I do act crazy
Friends all take me like that
I am close with guys and not as close with girls
I fool with them alot sometimes it gives people wrong ideas...
Does news actually spread so fast?? i'm sure it does
I was told i have a bad reputation around the school
But i dunno where that came from
I do admit that i get really stupid n crazy
But not to an extent that i'll get a bad reputation..
Rumors do spread about me n boys
But really, i dun think it can cause that much.....
Maybe i should stop bein so crazy...
But thats the real me
I can't do anything about it....
I was born with it....
Bad Reputation/Good Reputation.....
I don't care..
It may mean a lot but still.....
I can't be bothered to care..
So long as i think i am livin a happy life....
Nobody can stop me from being me

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Weights Off!! =) PS: this aint a poem

Weights off
Feel Loaaaaads Better
And it feels good to let it out
Now, i am perfectly fine!!
Although i dunno when i am gonna get over it
I am perfectly HAPpY!!! might have to survive a bit of my weirdness
Lol!! I am actually happy... wow
Nothing happened!!
He is cul with it n i'm also cul with it
But just gonna take a bit of time to fully recover
N b crazy with this my friend(........)Lol
Oh n also that one! He is another crazy one(you are, you have to admit it) Lol ha ha ha
I am goin crazy already.....LOL
I wonder who made me so crazy??
Yup Yup!! Me Happy!!! Not sure if i am gonna go moody again but @ dis moment i am Hyper!

Pain....Well @ least it was @ that time.....

Its Painful
It Hurts, it burns, it stings, it aches
My heart feels like it has been stabbed
With a knife which is now full of blood
The wound burns and stings
I am standing here bleeding love
It is the most the worst thing you can think of
Being mentally in pain is worse that being physically in pain
Being mentally hurt is far worse that being physically hurt
Salty tears are pouring out of my eyes
Which were once full of hope
But after you took me on a trip to hell
They were full of sorrow
There was a time where i thought it had disappeared
But i realised it was just an illusion
I was still drowning in pain
Acting as if i'm fine in front of friends
Laughing, Smiling and Joking with them
Just to make sure they don't worry
And not make it obvious
Now, the pain is slowly fading away
But i doubt that the scar you left me will........
*The above does not mean that i am in deep pain right now..... i am now sad and just sad*

Reality or Dreams

I thought we got closer but it seems that i am wrong
Reality is just not this way
Life is just a mystry
You'll never know what happens next...
A few days ago
We were talkin and talkin
Today, you won't even talk to me
Tomorrow......Who knows?
I really thought we were close again...
But your actions tells me that you are trying to avoid me
Little lies that you tell me
Just to change the topic
Or runaway......
Maybe this is what we call
"Welcome to Reality"
I want to stay in my litte dreamy world
Because there, you are always by my side
You're always there for me
You cheer me up
You make me smile and you won't shatter my heart
There, i feel so free and loved......
But NO!
Reality has to hack in my beautiful dreams
And ruin everything.....

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Exams Or Him Or Friendship?

Exams are coming to an end
The ink in my bright blue pen is almost finished
My patience is running out
I want to tell him
I want you to know
How much 我爱你
I would want to risk our relationship at this stage
Just to find an answer....
Again, Is it worth it?
Should i just let go
Should i just pretend that nothing has happened?
Maybe friendship will be better off.....
But how long will this one take?
3 months? 1 Year? Or just 1 Week? Mysterious

Monday, November 24, 2008

Effort And Courage

It took me so much effort to get close
But it took me more courage to say it
More like i have exhasted all the courage in me
Just to say this to you
After that.......
All the effort i have worn out
Just to forget all this
You have drained all the effort and courage outta me
I wonder how much time it'll take me regain all i have lost
After all i sacrificed for you
Is it worth it?
Are you ever going to realise?
Even if you do,
Will you react?
These questions are just drowning me
In curiosity........

Seems Close..Seems Far

You were always around me
More like i was around you
The friendship between us
The way we laugh together
The secrets that i share with you
The hopes that you let me see
The hopes you gave to me
Each and everyday, we seem to get closer
But it doesn't seem like that
You just seem to be disappointing me
I really love you
You don't seem to know
Or more like you know but just don't want to react
This makes us seem so far
You rarely talk to me now
There is now such a big distance between us
It seems so wide that i can't seem to fix it
We were not as close as before...
You have shattered my delicate heart
And now, i can't get up anymore..........