Monday, July 13, 2009

Paper Cuts

No scars, No signs
But it stings
One kind of pain
That i can't stand
Although nobody can see it
It pierces my heart
Although i say it doenst hurt,
Deep inside, it hurts and burns like fire
Its so bad that I can't handle it
I cover the pain with smiles
But when i see you
I can't smile...So all i do
Is to walk away silently.....
Paper cuts sting, but it will heal....Just a matter of time

Fear of Love

I fear to be alone
I fear to be abandoned....
I dont want to be abandoned....
Because of love.....
I fear it when people by me
Are in love, because, they tend to forget
Forget everything but their lover
I fear love myself because
I dont know what it can do to me....
Love can hurt me very badly
Love is very cruel
Loving someone who doesnt love you,
Is the thing i fear the most
Being hurt by love is scary....
No matter what type of love it is,
It hurts, and it makes me bleed....
It stings, i hate to see it,
Love brings out the jealousy in me
And the selfishness that i try to hide....
I hate myself when i become like that
Just because of love....
Y can love change one so much?
I dont understand....
The pain that it brings people,
The injuries and scars that it makes,
The way it brings tears out of our eyes,
The way it can kill people
Also, the way it can make people go crazy,
Yet why do we fall in love?
When it can do all these crazy things to us...
It makes me seek for attention
Even self-control is useless against love
Because these 4 letters are very powerful.....
They can make one happy or sad.....
This word, amazing......

Friday, July 10, 2009


Making choices are hard
There is always an opportunity cost
To a choice that you make
Either u sacrifice this to have that
Or that to have this
Why cant we have both?
Then that will just make life
Or everything else easier
But it doesnt work that way
We are always forced to choose one or the other
Once u choose, it would mean that
You have hurt someone or sacrificed
Something that means equally as much.....
Why do humans have to suffer because of choices?
Isnt there another way around things?
Another way that does not hurt anyone
Or maybe this is wot is called "Life"
We always have all these choices to make
And when we make the wrong ones,
There is no turnin back......
Somtimes even regretting wont help
Because what has been done is done
And we cannot change that fact.......

Thursday, March 19, 2009

The Vanished Magic Heart

The magic heart
Was once by my side
It was always there
To motivate me to do things
Whenever I come across a problem,
I always think of the magic heart
And the problem vanished just like Magic...
This day, the magic heart started to fade,
I knew it was time to say it
I said my wish,
And now, this heart is nowhere to be found
It has vanished into the thin air,
Just like MAGIC.....
All i have now are the particles of dust
That this magic heart has left.........

Tuesday, February 3, 2009


Fear to loose
Fear to change
Fear of loosing everything
I dont like this feeling
Its terrible
To have your things taken away
One by one
And have your friends
Leaving you, one by one
I fear that day will come
I fear to loose
I dont want to loose
I fear that everything wont be the same
I dont want to change
This feeling, is worse than torture
This feeling, is killing me deep inside
I dont want to loose my friends and people that i treasure
Please! Dont take them away from me!
I cant live without them....
They are very important to me...
I plead for your mercy
Dont take them away from me
If you take them away from me,
I would ask you to take my life away along with them
Dont leave me all alone
I fear the dark
I fear to be lonely
I dont want to be alone in the dark
Its scary
Dont let me be the only one left in this world

Tuesday, January 13, 2009


To be able to confess
To someone you love,
It takes all the courage
That you have to do it
Before or after confession,
People happen to think
"What if......"
There are no what ifs in this world.
If you have decided to do it,
Gather up all your courage and do it
Confess your love and feelings
To the person you love
And even if the reply was harsh or bad,
Just say to yourself that you have said it all
And there is nothing else you can do.
Life a life without regrets
Is always better than living a regretful life
Because nobody knows whats going to happen the next minute
And if anything does happen to you,
Nobody can tell the one you love your feelings......
You'll just leave in pain
Without having your feelings said....

P.S. Omg this is such a crappy one.....urgh!! sth is wrong with me.....

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Let Go

There is always a time
In your life where you have to learn
How to let go of certain things
Some people find it very easy
Others find it hard
Everyone has different ways,
Of looking at things.
Some always look on the bright side
Others look on the dark side
Those who look on the bright side
Have an advantage in everything
Because they have no worries bout anything
But those who look on the dark side
Finds life so difficult
Because they only see the bad things
And none of the good things.....

To let go of somebody you love
Is like a mission impossibe
It is very painful for one to let go of the one you love
But its more painful to know he/she does not love you
Or to know that he/she loves someone else...
But if you dont let go,
You are giving yourself a fake hope
Something that will never come true
And fakes hopes are the last things you would want to have
Because they are dangerous
Fake Hopes can cause one to never love again....
Its always better to let go earlier
Because that way, it wont be as painful as holding on
So if you know its time to let go,
Just let go....

Thursday, January 8, 2009


Miracles happen only happen once in a lifetime
If you don't make good use of it, you'll regret it
There is once in a lifetime, where there are chances
That you have to make use of
Because, if its gone, its gone forever
And if its then you realise what you have missed,
Its already too late to redo things......
Here I am, waiting for my miracle to arrive....
But it seems like its not coming....
But I will patiently wait for it to come
Miracles dont wait for people
Its always people who wait for miracles
And I believe that the people who have waited for a lifetime
Will get it and live a even happier life.....