Friday, July 10, 2009


Making choices are hard
There is always an opportunity cost
To a choice that you make
Either u sacrifice this to have that
Or that to have this
Why cant we have both?
Then that will just make life
Or everything else easier
But it doesnt work that way
We are always forced to choose one or the other
Once u choose, it would mean that
You have hurt someone or sacrificed
Something that means equally as much.....
Why do humans have to suffer because of choices?
Isnt there another way around things?
Another way that does not hurt anyone
Or maybe this is wot is called "Life"
We always have all these choices to make
And when we make the wrong ones,
There is no turnin back......
Somtimes even regretting wont help
Because what has been done is done
And we cannot change that fact.......

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