Saturday, January 10, 2009

Let Go

There is always a time
In your life where you have to learn
How to let go of certain things
Some people find it very easy
Others find it hard
Everyone has different ways,
Of looking at things.
Some always look on the bright side
Others look on the dark side
Those who look on the bright side
Have an advantage in everything
Because they have no worries bout anything
But those who look on the dark side
Finds life so difficult
Because they only see the bad things
And none of the good things.....

To let go of somebody you love
Is like a mission impossibe
It is very painful for one to let go of the one you love
But its more painful to know he/she does not love you
Or to know that he/she loves someone else...
But if you dont let go,
You are giving yourself a fake hope
Something that will never come true
And fakes hopes are the last things you would want to have
Because they are dangerous
Fake Hopes can cause one to never love again....
Its always better to let go earlier
Because that way, it wont be as painful as holding on
So if you know its time to let go,
Just let go....

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