Saturday, December 18, 2010

Guardian Angel

Good times, bad times,
You've been through all with me
You've been there for me
You've been my guardian angel
Because you have been with me
No matter how busy you are
How impossible it is for you to be there,
You always manage to be there for me.....
Whenever i'm in need,
There you are, with your arms wide open
When i'm upset, your shoulders are there for me to cry on
Although you claim i'll wet your shirt
When i'm happy, you'll go crazi with me
When i'm in trouble, you come to save me
Even when you're mad at me, you're still there for me....
And this makes you my guardian angel
Someone who is always there for me
Especially when i need you
You've been kind, caring and forgiving
And for everything you've done, I love you......

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

What Do I Mean?

In the beginning, I was this girl that you wanted
Then it probably turned into "That Hard To Get Chick"
Next could be I give up, shes chosen someone else
Afterwards was just plain confusion
Do I want her or what I have already?
Then was shes honestly annoying me
Why won't she?
Later on was probably shes so much trouble
Then was certainly that big mouth bi*ch
I honestly dunno what it is now.....
I'm scared to say u did love me.......
Because maybe i'm wrong......
I don't know how you feel about me
What do I mean to you?
Just a friend? or Just a best friend that u have fun hanging out with?
I really want to know but I'm too scared to ask
Because i'm too scared of what I would hear.....
This is what you mean to me
The world.....
I cannot concentrate without you
You're all i want
I've given u all I have because.......
I Love You........

Monday, December 13, 2010

Without U

For a long time now,
You have been with me
Through everything,
Good or bad, happy or sad,
Even if I did something to upset you
You were still there for me
And i'm used to you
Being around for me
And looking out for me
Taking care of me
Being with me
You're a part of my life now
Each and every day,
I talk to you, tell you what i've been doing
You would come visit me
Me being able to see you every week
Whats going to happen without you?
Its almost like taking part of my life away
Just like stealing my heart away....
I almost cant live without you now
You are now the most important part of my life
I want you more than anything
All I can hope for now is that this is all a dream....
And when I wake up, you are right by my side.......

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Under Your Spell

You were nothing to me
From the very beginning
Merely just a friend
That i didnt want to see
But then........
You took the poison out of me
And since then, I've been under your spell
I fell silently for you
But sadly you were not available for me
Then I went away
And thats when you said:
When you come back, you shall be the happiest girl ever
And i believed you.......
The day i came back, you came for me......
I really did think that i would be the happiest girl ever
But the situation never changed.....
You were still not available for me
And then, you said you need some time off
You just left, leaving me here in pain
The love i have for you grew day by day
Yet, you just kept me waiting
I waited and waited......
Suddenly, i receive the best news ever
You're available again.....
Finally, i thought that we could be together
And we were......But this didnt last for long.......
Till you told me, i wasnt important enough
And there and then, i was left there alone, by myself
Knowing that i have lost you,
I cared about nothing else on this earth
Disasters came, one by one......
But then, you came and gave me hope again
You kept me in secret and yet, i was still happy
For being in secret is better than nothing
This didnt last for long either
Because walls have ears
Secrets get out.....
My trust had been betrayed
Ever since then......
Things have changed.....
You claim you still love me.....
But seems like your attention is still not mine
I'm still here under your spell.....
I want you, your attention, your everything
Because, i have lost everything to you
Ever since you put me under your spell....
But now......I'm tired.....I may still be under your spell
But its starting to wear off bit by bit.....
Now its your turn to make an effort to keep me under your spell