Sunday, May 22, 2011

Behind the Scenes

Dark, gloomy and silent,
A feeling of depression hit me
And there i stood looking at them
I work work work
Only to be ignored
By those who have found what they wanted
And decided to abandon me
For the ones they love
I have done all the work
Behind the scenes for them
But all i get in the end is just ignorance
I never should have done what i did
Though i sound evil and bad
But its better than just looking at their backs now
And meaning almost nothing to them at all
There is no way i can be beside them anymore
Because, all i am now, is a leftover
And walking behind them, only being able to see their backs
Is the most suitable for such people like me.......


I'm clueless
But I'm scared,
I see you being surrounded by them,
I feel like i'm about to loose you
When you're around me,
I never know what to do
Do i know what i want?
I think i want you
But am i sure?
I am afraid
I am hurt because of you
Your fear of hurting me has already torn me into pieces
Your fear of loosing me has already injured me badly
Dont fear to loose or hurt me
Because that way, you're causing me more damage
I'll be shattered in no time.....
Although I will heal,
The scars are still going to be there...
I know you are scared to loose again
But why not try again,
This time, you may not loose
But rather gain....
If you carry that fear of loosing with you
You'll end up hurting everybody around you
Everyone falls down, but we all learn to get back up
And start all over again
So why cant you do that?
If you get up and reach out for my hand,
And never let go, you know i'll be yours

I Won't Let Go!!!!

Today, i called u
When u heard me that it as me
U didnt sound surprised
There was nothing, and nothing
For us to talk about
The phone was so silent
And then I just said "bye"
And then u cut me off so fast
But my mind just wont get off u
I've been thinkin of you........
So please, please be with me
Cause i really love you
Even till the day we separate
I will continue to love u
And i will continue to love you
I'll always wanna be with you
And i dont want anything to separate us
But things just don't go too good
But I cant let go,
I cant possibly let go,
And I wont let go,
I dont wanna let you go........

You Vanish

You are always there, just not that i can see

Protecting me one way or another, like me guardian angel

But once in a while, you disappear in to thin air

Where i cannot find you, see you or hear you

You seem to be with me all the time

But there are times that you vanish

Like you don't want to care anymore

Like you're tired of having to protect me

You vanished once, you vanished twice,

And then a third, each and everytime, it breaks my heart

Shatters it into a thousand pieces,

Putting it in a critical condition,

You disappear, leaving me to face the pain myself

And one day, you decide to come back

To start protecting me again,

But each time you come back,

I fear for you to leave again

Without sayin, without a reason.......

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Guardian Angel

Good times, bad times,
You've been through all with me
You've been there for me
You've been my guardian angel
Because you have been with me
No matter how busy you are
How impossible it is for you to be there,
You always manage to be there for me.....
Whenever i'm in need,
There you are, with your arms wide open
When i'm upset, your shoulders are there for me to cry on
Although you claim i'll wet your shirt
When i'm happy, you'll go crazi with me
When i'm in trouble, you come to save me
Even when you're mad at me, you're still there for me....
And this makes you my guardian angel
Someone who is always there for me
Especially when i need you
You've been kind, caring and forgiving
And for everything you've done, I love you......

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

What Do I Mean?

In the beginning, I was this girl that you wanted
Then it probably turned into "That Hard To Get Chick"
Next could be I give up, shes chosen someone else
Afterwards was just plain confusion
Do I want her or what I have already?
Then was shes honestly annoying me
Why won't she?
Later on was probably shes so much trouble
Then was certainly that big mouth bi*ch
I honestly dunno what it is now.....
I'm scared to say u did love me.......
Because maybe i'm wrong......
I don't know how you feel about me
What do I mean to you?
Just a friend? or Just a best friend that u have fun hanging out with?
I really want to know but I'm too scared to ask
Because i'm too scared of what I would hear.....
This is what you mean to me
The world.....
I cannot concentrate without you
You're all i want
I've given u all I have because.......
I Love You........

Monday, December 13, 2010

Without U

For a long time now,
You have been with me
Through everything,
Good or bad, happy or sad,
Even if I did something to upset you
You were still there for me
And i'm used to you
Being around for me
And looking out for me
Taking care of me
Being with me
You're a part of my life now
Each and every day,
I talk to you, tell you what i've been doing
You would come visit me
Me being able to see you every week
Whats going to happen without you?
Its almost like taking part of my life away
Just like stealing my heart away....
I almost cant live without you now
You are now the most important part of my life
I want you more than anything
All I can hope for now is that this is all a dream....
And when I wake up, you are right by my side.......