Saturday, May 1, 2010

Love Poison

I kissed your soft lips
And fell under your spell
And now, i'm deeply in love with you
You are like a poison
That is slowly spreading....
And making me fall deeper and deeper........
Slowly, its starting to hurt
Whenever you're not here with me
My heart starts aching
And my head start hurting...
From thinking about you too much.....
And when you're with me,
My eyes go blind.....
Because you're all I can see....
Everytime you let go,
It hurts me and takes away the smile on my face
As days pass by, the poison spreads all around my body
And now, i'm completely under your spell.....
And if you should leave me,
Your poison will kill me........

Too Far Away

I stretch out my hand
Try to reach to you
But all I can feel....
Is the breeze,
Passing by my cold fingers...
You're too far away from me
I need you here with me
To keep me warm....
Through the cold nights....
Where are you?
Why are you not here with me?
Ur always not here when i need you
Ur always far away from me....
Like you are trying to hide from me...
Tell me why...
It breaks my hear to think
Of how far you are
And I miss you more
Everytime I think of you
And it hurts so much
When I reach out for you
And all I get...
Is the thin, cold air...
As I see you move further and further away
Away from me....
It shatters my heart into a million pieces.......